Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A week before we leave...

We hope you’re sitting somewhere comfortable, in the shade of an umbrella or tree enjoying your roasted chicken at Oosterlig’s Bybelstap.

By the time that you’re reading this, it will be only one more ‘slapie’ before the day that Kirsty, Leani and Herman head off on their adventure to Kigali in Rwanda and Goma in Congo.

Please come visit us at our Africa Stalletjie close to the top end of the chicken braai, to see how many miracles have happened regarding our funds! We are selling all sorts of nice Christmas decorations made by two friends (Zimbabwean and Malawian) of Leani. Many of you have already given us support in so many ways, both financially and prayerfully. At the time of writing, we have reached over half of our goal of sponsoring 40 potential leaders in Central Africa.

On Sunday the 31st August we were “sent out” by Oosterlig and prayed for by the congregation. Thank you so much to each one of you who were there. We especially appreciated those of our friends who came who are not part of our official Oosterlig family. It meant a lot to us!

A SUPER special thank you to our Alpha friends and fellow team members who came up on stage during the evening service to pray for us! The LORD says that when two or more come together in His name He is there. We can definitely feel His presence with us as we prepare for this journey.

The plans are going well so far. We are in constant communication with our American partners ALARM (African leadership and Reconciliation Ministries) who are organizing the logistics for the workshops in Kigali and Goma. Everything is in the final stages of preparation; Kirsty and Herman have completed their training manual on business skills which is currently with the ALARM staff for translation into French (for the Congolese)and Kinyarwanda (for Rwanda). Leani has written a new booklet on leadership/discipleship development which needs to be trimmed down to a manual too.

Financially we have had amazing support. Leani’s church in Dallas has also supported us as well as many non-Africans from all over the globe. We praise God for everyone who has contributed so far. We have currently sponsored 22 people to attend the workshops out of 40. We still need to sponsor another 18 participants. The workshop is costing R 705 per participant.

If you or a group of you are able to sponsor a participant, or contribute towards a participant please contact Leani (leani.wessels@oosterlig.co.za) or Desiree (desiree.barnard@oosterlig.co.za ) to make a donation.

Leani has set up a blog for this trip where you can see our itinerary, view pictures of the team and read about the vision of this trip and the aim behind it. The URL for the blog is www.AfricaCallingThree.blogspot.com where you’ll find links to ALARM’s website and other partners in on this mission.

trip itinerary 22 September - 3 October 2008

Day 1.22 September, Monday - South Africa/Kenya
● Travel to Nairobi (lay-over)
● Kenya Air flight (depart 12:40 Joburg–arrive 17:40 Nairobi)

Day 2. 23 September, Tuesday - Kenya/Rwanda
● Logistics and field trip in Kigali
● Kenya Air flight (depart 8:05 Nairobi–arrive 8:30 Kigali)

Day 3. 24 September, Wednesday - Rwanda
● Vocational training, Kigali

Day 4. 25 September, Thursday - Rwanda
● Leadership training, Kigali

Day 5. 26 September, Friday - Rwanda
● Eastern Project, Rwanda

Day 6. 27 September, Saturday - Rwanda/DRCongo
● Travel to Goma by road (4hours drive)

Day 7. 28 September, Sunday - DRCongo
● Community (Mbusa’s church), Goma

Day 8. 29 September, Monday - DRCongo
● Vocational training, Goma

Day 9. 30 September, Tuesday - DRCongo
● Leadership training, Goma

Day 10. 1 October, Wednesday - DRCongo/Rwanda
● Travel to Kigali (lay-over)

Day 11. 2 October, Thursday - Rwanda/Kenya
● Travel to Nairobi (lay-over)
● Kenya Air flight (depart 14:35 Kigali-arrive 17:00 Nairobi)

Day 12. 3 October, Friday - Kenya/South Africa
● Travel to Joburg
● Kenya Air flight (depart 7:45 Nairobi-arrive 10:45 Joburg)